Weeknotes #11 (Week 31, 2024)
last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
- been thinking more than doing this week which i think (there it goes again, the infernal thinking!) usually i'd take to be a bad thing, but i know it was a very busy week household management wise (cleaning and admin, etc). trying to give myself a little grace. 🙏🏿
- continuing alphabet superset after a long hiatus. the creator of the challenge is still working on his so I'm allowing myself to not be a perfectionist about it. draft of the next one, on jargon is up but not complete, hopefully obviously. coming up with for life-centric, justice/flourishing-centered topics for k is weirdly hard but I'll think of something.
- i was catching up on lu's blog in the middle of writing this — no YOU have executive dysfunction issues — and she recently posted about how you shouldn't ask for feedback on things you haven't released a draft of, so i'll pretend that's the reason i am posting more to the notes blog. you can't stop me!
- came across a series on a blog about bloggers due to anne sturdivant recommending me as a blog to read! i'm touched especially as i have done nothing but weeknotes and hopes so far this year but it's funny timing; i had been thinking about picking up on alphabet superset for a while but this was the push i needed! anne is also doing #100DaysToOffload, another challenge i'm going to try!
- a friend was asking about project management stuff I do and I think it's part of why I struggle with big projects like long form video. aka "what project management?" is my answer lol. I know I'd love a system that accounted for dependencies and let me block tasks until another task was done. I feel like amazing marvin probably has it in its box of tricks but finding it a lot for my current minimalist approach; might have to write something myself 😩
- as i've sort of said on my now page, i have discovered i have a burning fear of being on camera on some level. i thought i was putting off making short videos cos I was worried about being boring or being wrong but it's garden variety stage fright (booo. boooo!). i think (more booing erupts) that practice, taking it slow, and recording things but not immediately/ever posting them might help? but we shall see! worried it will go the way of chess and i'll just be forever put off it, but i know it's not good for anxiety to let it fester. dragging my fear out into the light, like god intended!
- I remember why I was on Lu's site now; I am loath to create a new idea about how habit apps should work, and thus a new habit app, when a billion of the bloody things exist. They are mostly interchangeable and will not have been built by me though, so maybe it's not so much a new idea but a new implementation that will teach me a bunch of things? Whatever, we'll see.
feel free to reach out with burning questions, comments or suggestions!