Weeknotes #2 (Week 22, 2024)
- My next Youtube video is shaping up slowly, I was hoping to have it out by the end of last month but surprise, it's a series (no one is surprised but me. everything is a series if I'm making it). If you're reading this and are a self-taught video editing genius (especially if you use DaVinci Resolve!) hit me up, I am confused how I improve my skills after a certain point. Gonna have to work out how to break up my menagerie of depressing graphs without just putting joke graphs in as it doesn't match the tone I think? It's the start of the digital divide/who isn't online series.
- After talking a bit with a friend about my only spiritual practice being that of trying to cultivate awe, I was reminded about my whole technopagan belief/bit (and truly what is the difference, between a fervently held belief and a bit you won't stop doing? nothing, next question). I was starting to make a wheel of the year which incorporates a lot more technological/tool based awe and gratitude into it, hopefully will finish that off this week. Gonna start reading "Losing Eden: Why Our Minds Need the Wild" by Lucy Jones after it was mentioned in a podcast episode recommended during this discussion.
- Trying to play a game of rapid online chess a day this week. Trying to persuade myself it will be a rated game, 152 ELO on chess.com or no.
- Daily (morning was ambitious lol) pages are still going strong I think I hit thirty days yesterday! Very happy, long may it continue.
- Trying to work out if I want to post to Substack much after all. I think if I'm trying to build online community primarily why the hell not, but I also wonder if people will be tired of my incessant chatter with three windows + social media into my mind.
- Thinking about "neurodivergence/ND" and why I always feel a bit skeeved out by the term despite all my autism, historical divides between the mad/mentally ill and physically disabled communities, whether labels matter, etc.
- Might start ukulele lessons shortly and a friend asked if I had dyspraxia and, whilst I am unsure, it took me a few beats to realise "oh yeah, being dyspraxic would make instruments hard in theory". Learnt names for all the different types of dyspraxia and read a few helpful and/or upsetting posts on Reddit on r/dyspraxia, mild recommend.
- I really want to get an electric scooter but given possible dyspraxia and general lack of spatial and body awareness I'm afraid it's a very bad idea.
- Excited to start getting into stretching, wholehearted recommend for Adam Richardson, he has a really approachable manner and isn't too broey about the whole thing.
As ever all my details are on my contact page, don't be a stranger unless you prefer to be!