Weeknotes #16 (Week 36, 2024)
Last updated 1 month ago
- applied for a rhizome microgrant today! there's still a little time if you want to.
- signed up to do 100 days of notetaking. you should join me if you also wish that you wrote things down, or you want to have more ideas!!
- yes, neither were last week but i think when you aren't posting these on a regular cadence/are a human weeks often blur into one solid mass without careful attention, so I'm allowing things to flow a little more. anything that happened after last week's entry is fair game.
- did i tell you i'm giving a talk? be there or be square, i'll be talking about building better webs.
- i find it wonderful that online friends have started sending me memes about undersea cables. i love them (the friends and the cables).
- sorta back on the chessmaxxing train. at the very least i don't find chess distressing to contemplate + am trying to get better again. if you want to play i'm oluonline on chess.com and also terrible (hi terrible, i'm dad). i had my first ranked game since being back to it, i play 30 min games, and my opponent told me to hurry up. then my laptop shut down due to forgetting to charge it before getting immersed and i lost for leaving the game. auspicious!
- experimenting with bookmarking tools and like are.na a lot! here's my profile on there too!
- how was your week? can weeknotes even happen on a thursday, isn't that illegal? 😱 answer these questions and more, and don't be a stranger unless you want to be!