Weeknotes #13 (Week 33, 2024)
Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago
- had COVID and not a lot happened externally last week, but boy was i thinking! when awake at least 😌
- i've been thinking a ton about the tension between having to believe that small things can add up to make a difference in insert cause, and not accepting that tiny pointless changes are all you can do. it's a huge tension in all my justice/"helping life on earth flourish" writing and making that people always ask what they can actually do and i'm like the meme: record scratch freeze frame you might be wondering how i ended up in this situation... almost every time! beyond "join a bloody union", i feel like everything feels annoyingly small, especially for non-technical people, but i don't want to point to solutions i think are actively detrimental or counterproductive to the stated goals of people asking the questions. you see where i struggle here yes?
- i know that building a community of like minded and/or like struggled and/or like aimed people is important for any goal but i also feel like we've all been standing around talking about how bad tech is for a long time and now is the time for action. i get it isn't that simple but everything feels so slow. i know that's partly being in bed for a week but still.
- i also want a community of my very own to talk to people about this in but i don't know if there's much interest. if you know of relevant spaces that already exist, that are not the amazing Reboot, awesome TWC, or superb UTAW let me know cos I really want to do more stuff again with computers that helps people, outside of my job anyway.
- been thinking about exercise a lot and signed up for a course with amy snelling to address the fact that cos I won't be near barbells for the short term but foreseeable future I'm like "shant!" to all other exercise, been helpful so far and I love her approach. also really enjoy adam richardson for more mobility-based stuff.
- really looking forward to cracking into more of the 0de5 stuff when I get a chance; c and (especially) assembly feel like dark magic to me as a front-end developer at time so enough to have a nice time sounds great to me.
- oh yeah, last sick bed thought; if any of you struggle as i do with the question of "what's the point of existence, if the heat death of the universe, or its otherwise anticipated ultimate end, as well as generally the idea of entropy, means what we've wrought upon the earth, stars and planets, from the smallest act of kindness to the grandest acts of ingenuity and magnificence, will eventually not even be dust, but literally not exist in any manner?" yeah if you struggle with that exact question then have i got the theory and wikipedia page for you! Accepting no notes on the idea that a block universe/block time/eternalism solves it pretty fucking neatly! I'm joking on not wanting notes, but I have also never solved an existential woe even temporarily with a fact so I am riding that high. Might have a slow response if you immediately poke a righteous hole in it lol, might have already found a new way to spiral anyway lol. Spoiler that I don't care if we as beings can't navigate block time in any way (other than we are currently, I mean), it feels much less pointless already lol.
- i wanted a sweet treat, but instead i had a tin of mandarin oranges at quarter to one in the morning. very demure, very mindful, very respectful of me.
- speaking of tiktok memes, i am trying so hard to understand how to be entertaining or at least educational in a minute or so of video, so if any of you (non-gender denominational) girlies happen to know how to relax in front of the bloody camera AND have good techniques for coming up with ideas that don't sound like an AI or a SEO consultant had a hand in creating them, I'd be so grateful.
- thank you for reading, here's to 13 weeks of weeknotes and to many more!
Feel free to reach out with burning questions, comments or suggestions!