Weeknotes #1 (Week 21, 2024)
- I haven't done weeknotes (or blogging of any kind tbh) in a while so enjoying being back, even as I vigorously sort the wheat from the chaff of my week. What can I even talk about? Lots of "who gave me this microphone?" type feelings popping up but I'm rolling with it.
- My /now page is up! Go there if you want to know what I'm up to but don't want to reach out and strike up a conversation, god forbid.
- Doing Substack and YouTube again because I want more online community and joining other people's only seems to go so far. Please reach out and tell me about all the great communities I'm missing of course, but this is my current plan anyway.
- Writing video essays is hard; I knew this on one level and not on another. Feeling a lot of resistance to writing my current script but hoping getting all the rest of the writing chugging along will help a lot.
- Journaling more; I was doing morning pages but this week morning's have been hard as hell. Been going for 22 days I think, which hasn't felt stressful surprisingly, I think my longest 750 words streak is about a month, so hoping to go for longer this time!
- Not reading as much as I'd like in the "longform and not on a website/newsletter" category, but I'm examining not just doing things fro their intrinsic virtue anyway. Like am I doing something cos I enjoy it? Cos it serves me in some way? Or just because it distracts me from the pull of the grave/TikTok doomscrolling for hours?
- Enjoying singing and music more too; I've signed up for a songwriting course I'm really looking forward to.
- Oh, and learning more computer science stuff; equal parts awed, interested and intimidated.