This page is inspired by Derek Sivers' /now.
Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
- still writing and researching for talks!
- still slowly going through 0de5
- daily single tarot draws to learn my deck
- learning design (would love suggestions here, I've heard of hack design though!) and getting really good at CSS for that end
- looking for origami courses and apps
- carrying on with alphabet superset and hopefully finishing by the end of the year!
## September 2024
- writing talks about building better webs!!
- going through 0de5
- doing an iteration of active hope training
- writing a /ideas page 'cos of about ideas now
- learning sewing, origami and tarot
- writing about technopaganism
August 2024
- Focusing more on shorts video wise, since I'm trying to get outside of my current longform (writing) audience with this practice of making video. Hopefully any and all camera exposure will help me with shyness and editing!
- Started going through 0de5 as it felt very serendipitous that as soon as I was thinking about levelling up again I came across it!
- Started my digital garden but do need to actually tend it.
- Still thinking a lot about community and what the other options are besides closed/private communities (Discords, Slacks, Zulips) where people would feel free to say what they feel like and mean. Maybe private is the way to go but I worry about siloing information!
June & July 2024 (oops!)
- Hoping I'll finish my first YouTube video since my long break by the end of June. Hold me to it!
- Thinking a lot about community and what I want out of my online life. Read a great piece from Maggie Appleton and was reminded of old advice to start small when it comes to huge projects. Need to test my ideas. Hoping to put on some kind of event eventually but need to think more.
- I'm learning to embrace my feelings about research, writing and implementing. I want to get better at all of it, but I definitely go through phases where one is all I want to do, and I think that's okay.
- Looking forward to songwriting lessons that start soon, very exciting.
- Chess is going super slowly, I've been going to a chess club but really want to start dedicating a lot more time to it.
- Still working on my next integrity report, and deciding if I want to start a digital garden. I've been leaning into Capacities and wonder if me working with the garage door up would even be interesting to people. Let me know if it would!
May 2024
- Obsessively listening to my 'On Repeat' from Spotify (it's mostly Hozier) and wondering about competing streaming services, Bandcamp and all that's changed about it and whether we'll have an alternative that's good for artists any time in the near future (at least in terms of pay).
- Trying to create more; in video for Youtube, with words for this blog/substack (“I make writing as much a part of my life as I do eating or listening to music.” A quote from Maya Angelou, the hope and the dream), with needle and thread for my body/people's eyes (I guess?), music with ukulele + voice and webby things with code!
- Reviewing my values with a Integrity Report at some point in the near future. My values at the minute are sustainability, joy, justice, experimentation, courage and rapport. Checking those are still my values basically, and if/how I've been adhering to them.
- Slowly trying to get back into exercise, mostly dumbbell exercises cos my gym is slightly too far away.
- Learning computer science stuff, we'll see how I go!
- Oh yeah; chessmaxxing is in full swing. I am not good yet.
I'll leave up the old updates when I make new updates; maybe monthly, maybe less.
Feel free to reach out!