Olu Online

Inspired by Artem Tyurin via about ideas now, this is a page for things I want to collaborate on. Draws heavily on my projects.

  1. A community/(un)conference/space for people building alternative visions for the internet and web, e.g. the indie web, small web, permacomputing, decolonial computing, solar protocol, etc.
  2. A community and/or podcast for queer, questioning, trans and intersex people of colour in tech called cutie pocket (QQTIPOCit), geddit?).
  3. computer interplace (if you have a better name suggestion i'm all ears lol, this was originally an idea for an in-person research hub) as some kind of tech research hub. I'm very interested in CSS at the minute but could be any kind of computer-related research, and would like to band together with others for cross-pollination/encouragement/group ideas/presentations.

All my details are on my contact page if you want further details or are interested in something.

Last updated 2 weeks ago